technology -
towards a deep ecology of art, architecture and being
research project of goldsmiths, university of london
technology -
towards a deep ecology of art, architecture and being
research project of goldsmiths, university of london
director: raphael jay adjani
associate: sian ni mhuiri
‘non-anthropocentric’ being
14 September 2010 18:34
8 technology a.k.a. ecosophy 8 a.k.a. 8
brings together particular ideas from science, digital technology, philosophy, architecture and art to facilitate sublime works that shed light on our contemporary ecology and being.
this site is both ‘art ‘ and ‘information’ in that it can tell you about what 8 does, at the same time it is created and tended near daily, in a deliberate, ritualised process of re-construction and re-creation, according to mood, season, context,
-a durational work without duration -
in the manner of a daily tea ceremony or tending of a zen garden, for your pleasure...
each page is unique: constructed with minor compositional variation
spot the deliberate imperfections
view via the sublime filmic work, version for the internet: naka-ma
connect with 8 technology’s daily twitter
join the evolving discussion too at facebook
director: raphael jay adjani
a.k.a. ajaykumar
associate: sian ni mhuiri