technology -
towards a deep ecology of art, architecture and being
research project of goldsmiths, university of london
technology -
towards a deep ecology of art, architecture and being
research project of goldsmiths, university of london
director: raphael jay adjani
associate: sian ni mhuiri
thinking about a student work, makes me muse on anish kapoor:
“artists don’t make objects, artists make mythologies, and it is through the mythologies the mythologies that we read the work”.
anish kapoor
19 May 2010 13:41
this site is tended near daily, in a deliberate, ritualised process of
re-construction and re-creation in the manner of a daily tea ceremony or tending of a zen garden. spot the deliberate imperfection...
view via facebook the sublime filmic work, version for the internet: naka-ma
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